Immunological and Chondrogenic Evaluation of Canine Stem Cells

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D12CA-313: Immunological and Chondrogenic Evaluation of Canine Stem Cells, Thomas G Koch, DVM, PhD

PROGRESS UPDATE: An estimated 20 percent of adult dogs suffer from osteoarthritis. Funded by Morris Animal Foundation, researchers at the University of Guelph are evaluating the effect of current stem cell–based therapies on the immune system and on their ability to generate cartilage. The researchers are focusing their efforts on the stifle joint, a synovial joint that is similar to the knee in humans. They aim to find new ways to treat cartilage defects and osteoarthritis in this area.

This study is also supporting the training of a promising researcher in stem cell therapy. Under the mentorship of senior researchers, this student is completing laboratory training sessions in cell culture techniques and will soon start the proposed experiments. Information gained from this research project will contribute to a greater understanding of cellular reprogramming and could be used to develop advanced treatments for repairing damaged tissue in dogs.